
Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Rust: How We Built a Privacy Framework for Data Science

We could have built our privacy framework BastionLab in any language - Python, for example, which is data science’s beloved. But we chose Rust because of its efficiency and security features. Here are the reasons why we loved doing so, but also some challenges we encountered along the way.

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Introducing BastionAI, an Open-Source Privacy-Friendly AI Training Framework in Rust

Discover BastionAI, a Rust project for Confidential deep learning training. BastionAI leverages Confidential Computing and Differential Privacy to make AI training between multiple parties more privacy-friendly

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Insights of Porting Hugging Face Rust Tokenizers to WASM

Learn how Rust can be used to port server side logic, like Hugging Face Tokenizers, to the client for security and performance using WASM.