Artificial Intelligence

Raphaël Millet
Members Public

Apple Announcing Private Cloud Compute

Apple has announced Private Cloud Compute (PCC), which uses Confidential Computing to ensure user data privacy in cloud AI processing, setting a new standard in data security.

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

The Enterprise Guide to Adopting GenAI: Use Cases, Tools, and Limitations

Generative AI is revolutionizing enterprises with enhanced efficiency and customer satisfaction. The article explores real-world applications and deployment options like SaaS, on-VPC commercial FMs, and on-VPC open-source FMs, emphasizing the need for data protection.

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

The AI Act: 9 Key Answers to Get Onboard

On the 14th of June, the AI Act was successfully passed by the EU parliament. We gathered information on this complex piece of legislation for you. Let’s break down how the EU wants to regulate Artificial Intelligence with 10 questions.

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Mithril Security Raised €1.2 Million to Protect LLM Users' Data

With BlindBox, you can use Large Language Models without any intermediary or model owner seeing the data sent to the models. This type of solution is critical today, as the newfound ease-of-use of generative AI (GPT4, MidJourney, GitHub Copilot…) is already revolutionizing the tech industry.

Raphaël Millet
Members Public

Deploy Zero-trust Diagnostic Assistant for Hospitals

Improving Hospital Diagnoses: How BlindAI and BastionAI Could Assist

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Insights of Portingbuild a Privacy-By-Design Voice Assistant With BlindAI.

Discover how BlindAI can make AI voice assistant privacy-friendly!

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Introducing BlindAI, an Open-Source, Privacy-Friendly AI Deployment in Rust

Discover BlindAI, an open-source solution for privacy-friendly AI deployment in Rust!

Maxime Pontey
Members Public

What To Expect From the EU AI Regulation?

A view on the key upcoming EU regulations, and how these are likely to affect data and AI industry practices.

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Confidential Medical Image Analysis with COVID-Net and BlindAI

Deploy medical image analysis with confidentiality thanks to BlindAI

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Deploy Transformers Models With Confidentiality

Learn how to deploy Transformers models, with privacy guarantees thanks to Confidential Computing!