Large language models

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

The Enterprise Guide to Adopting GenAI: Use Cases, Tools, and Limitations

Generative AI is revolutionizing enterprises with enhanced efficiency and customer satisfaction. The article explores real-world applications and deployment options like SaaS, on-VPC commercial FMs, and on-VPC open-source FMs, emphasizing the need for data protection.

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Attacks on AI Models: Prompt Injection vs. Supply Chain Poisoning

Comparison of prompt injection & supply chain poisoning attacks on AI models, with a focus on a bank assistant. Prompt injection has a limited impact on individual sessions, while supply chain poisoning affects the entire supply chain, posing severe risks.

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Open Source Is Crucial for AI Transparency but Needs More Tooling

AI model traceability is crucial, but open-source practices alone are inadequate. Combining new software and hardware-based tools with open sourcing offers potential solutions for a secure AI supply chain.

Raphaël Millet
Members Public

Mithril X Tramscribe: Confidential LLMs for Medical Voice Notes Analysis

How we partnered with Tramscribe to leverage LLMs deal with Medical voice notes analysis

Raphaël Millet
Members Public

Deploy Zero-trust Diagnostic Assistant for Hospitals

Improving Hospital Diagnoses: How BlindAI and BastionAI Could Assist

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Large Language Models and Privacy. How Can Privacy Accelerate the Adoption of Big Models?

We will see why security and privacy might facilitate the adoption of Large Language Models, as those vast models push towards centralisation, given the complexity of deploying them at scale.