
Corentin Lauverjat
Members Public

Another Intel SGX Security Flaw? Our Analysis of the SGX Fuse Key Extraction Claim

A recent discovery reveals a weakness in older Intel CPUs affecting SGX security. Despite the alarm, the extracted keys are encrypted and unusable. Dive in to learn more.

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Privacy Risks of LLM Fine-Tuning

This article explores privacy risks in using large language models (LLMs) for AI applications. It focuses on the dangers of data exposure to third-party providers during fine-tuning and the potential disclosure of private information through LLM responses.

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Attacks on AI Models: Prompt Injection vs. Supply Chain Poisoning

Comparison of prompt injection & supply chain poisoning attacks on AI models, with a focus on a bank assistant. Prompt injection has a limited impact on individual sessions, while supply chain poisoning affects the entire supply chain, posing severe risks.