
Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Data Science: The Short Guide to Privacy Technologies

If you’re wondering what the benefits and weaknesses of differential privacy, confidential computing, federated learning, etc are, and how they can be combined to improve artificial intelligence and data privacy, you’ve come to the right place.

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Insights of Porting Hugging Face Rust Tokenizers to WASM

Learn how Rust can be used to port server side logic, like Hugging Face Tokenizers, to the client for security and performance using WASM.

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Insights of Portingbuild a Privacy-By-Design Voice Assistant With BlindAI.

Discover how BlindAI can make AI voice assistant privacy-friendly!

Daniel Huynh
Members Public

Deploy Transformers Models With Confidentiality

Learn how to deploy Transformers models, with privacy guarantees thanks to Confidential Computing!